description of activity
Adapted from the Inter.Media Manual
Explain activity and distribute one worksheet per participant.
Explain that:
- the name of participant goes in the middle molecule and that they should put up to five groups in the other circles with whom they identify or are identified (f.ex., ethnic group/country, sport group, work, political project, family, religion, sexual identity, musical orchestra, etc.);
- the work sheet is for personal use only and will not be shared with the others;
- this is a momentary picture of one's relations and group-belongings, which can change with the time.
Give the participants about 5-10 minutes to fill out the sheet – if they want to draw more circles, no problem
Ask the participants to choose the group which is the most important in this moment
Lead the stand-up-activity: ask the participants to stand up when one of the categories they put on their sheet is named. Ask them to stand a little longer if it is their 'main group'. Ask the participants to look around and at each other while standing up.
Everybody should be seated again before the next category is read out.
Categories: Religion, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, profession, age, family, hobbies, friends, political work, school, neighbourhood/community, language, arts, sports
Ask participants if there are any categories/groups missing and include them.
The important aspect of this activity is that participants become aware of the multiplicity of aspects that conform identity, find commonalities with other people, and understand that culture is a fluid concept. This is a step towards Learners being able to identify and explain, and apply ethical criteria for inclusive and constructive reporting with respect to the concerned social/cultural group.
To do so, it might be important to prompt the participants by asking them some questions:
- Was it difficult to find the groups?
- Did you learn something new about yourself?
- How did you feel as you stood up alone or almost alone?
- How did it feel to be part of a bigger group?
- Did you note something interesting in the stand-up activity? (f.ex., did only women stand up in the gender category?)
- Is there a difference between groups you chose and groups you are made part of like your ethnic background or disability?
information on the activity
The participants will reflect about the different groups of whom they feel part of. They will share the experiences in small groups and then are asked to stand up when group categories are named. A plenum discussion helps to reflect on group-belonging, categories and identifications.
Learners will be able to
identify, explain and apply ethical criteria for inclusive and constructive reporting with respect to the concerned social/cultural group.
Chair circle
working sheets, pens
60 minutes max