The focus of our meeting in Tübingen, Germany (25-26 September 2018) was the preparation of the pilot training to take part later in 2018 and at the start of 2019. Partners had to take hard decisions: what activities should be included in the final manual and what activities to be piloted during the partner training.
The Purge
After months of finding activities, adapting them to the project learning outcomes and formatting them according to the agreed format, partners decided to look to each of the nearly 20 activities produced to decide whether they should be included or not as part of the Training syllabus, while some others were marked for revision.
During the meeting in Tübingen, partners also selected a number of activities to test during the Pilot Training workshops. Among the partners, there was agreement that the main activities to be tested would be:
- Controlled Dialogue
- PowerFlower
- Hotseat
- Walking in your shoes
- Power of Sources
Piloting the training
One of the main areas of planning for the project was around the pilot projects. Radio Corax and Wüste Welle had a very clear calendar for the testing of the activities, as they have planned to deliver the pilot workshop as part of the Bundesverband Freier Radios BFR (Federal Association of Free Radios) meeting in Chemnitz, Saxony, on 10 November 2018. This will be followed by a project dissemination (presenting other EMAC activities to the participants)
Commit will deliver their pilot project as part of training delivered to broadcasters of the Verband Freier Radios Österreich VFRÖ on December 5th in Linz (Austria).
On the other hand, Near FM and EMARTV would have to review their work schedule and calendar to decide on the best date for the delivery of the pilot training.
Aside from the practical side to the pilot training implementation, there were other aspects to take into account. First, the measurement of the activity and workshop impact. Secondly, the creation of evaluation documentation for the trainers. An evaluation report questionnaire was created and the partners agreed to incorporate a short impact measurement activity at the start and end of the workshop, to measure the impact, if any, of the activities towards our learning outcomes and impact goals.